Why successful women are single

Aug 29, 2024
7 minutes to read

You definitely know such women. Independent, successful, smart, with lots of admirers and even regular sex, but still single. In the best case, they have a child “born for themselves.” Or without children but with a desire, and yet nothing seems to work out, “there are no worthy candidates.” And the woman dives into the frenzy of another project or job position, waiting for a prince to find her so wonderful and take her away. But first, he has to win her over, because she’s incredibly valuable, you won’t find another like her anywhere else, “won’t come cheap.”

Why is that? Overall, it’s pretty simple.

1. Successful women belong to the middle class, with the ability to support themselves without a man.
There is a twofold difference in their salaries between metropolises and the periphery. There’s enough for food/rent/mortgage, entertainment is accessible, life is good. An oasis of death in a desert of possibilities. If there are no big goals, there is no understanding of why to grow further, or why a man is needed—everything is fine as it is (as long as there’s a source of income).

2. A woman is always looking for a man stronger than herself.

More successful, experienced, wise, aggressive. That is, women from the middle class are always targeting top executives or very wealthy men. If a woman can hire a man at her job, she won’t be interested in him. The more success and income a woman has, the more she wants a “Batman” as a partner so she can be a little girl, even with her own business. As a result, a well-off woman from the middle class is looking for a millionaire executive as a husband, while a business owner aims for owners of large companies or investors.

3. The higher the income, the more accustomed the woman is to a high level of service.

She wants romance and beauty like in the movies. Because she is cool, incredibly valuable, successful, and she needs to be earned. But she has little time, just constant troubles at work or in business.

Men, however, have their own worldview:

1. For men, similarly, without ambition, reaching a comfortable level of self-sufficiency completely destroys the desire to take risks.

And they don’t have kids for exactly this reason—there is no understanding of why to take on a bunch of headaches, risks, and expenses if you can just enjoy life for yourself. Sex is available, there are no commitments. That’s why the middle class is dying out—there’s enough money for oneself and entertainment, but kids mean a decrease in the quality of life and unnecessary trouble. For women, kids are a kind of competition with other women, while for men, it generally doesn’t matter.

2. Men look for women weaker than themselves because home is the last place where they want to compete with anyone.

They can marry anyone, sign a prenuptial agreement, and live peacefully, coming home to rest. A man from the middle class level can and wants to take almost anyone because less than 1% of women reach this income level. 99% are available. For women at this same point, only 1% of men are accessible. Or rather, they want the top 1%, but 99% are not interesting because they are weak and unsuccessful.

3. The higher the income, the more occupied a man is with business.

He doesn’t have time for romance, courting women, or complex courting rituals. He understands that he’s already a catch and, all else being equal, will choose the more accessible woman, unless seduction and flirting are his hobby. And in life, he looks for someone simpler and more straightforward; there are enough enigmatic people at work.

But suppose everyone has ambitions, and people somehow find each other and realize that together, in theory, it’s better. And then the worldview differences begin:

1. A woman wants a man to earn money. A man doesn’t always bring money because business is risky. Keeping a man during a crisis—there goes the magic of a strong man, better start looking for another one, huh, not understanding that support, not nagging, is needed.

2. A woman wants a man to solve problems whenever she wants—because that means family safety. A man isn’t ready to solve issues that aren’t actual threats to the family, which is why the woman starts nagging because she has higher anxiety and wants to be a girl and control the man sometimes. Or rather, for the man to put her in her place with her quirks. And the man already has enough quirky people at work.

3. A woman wants to be listened to, but a man already has his brain overloaded at work and wants silence, not another stream of pointless problems, which are just a flow, not even tasks.

4. In a family where everyone has a career, there is no one to look after the kids except nannies. They ticked off the box that they have kids, but in the end, the kids grow up to be like the nannies. The woman doesn’t want to lose her career, and the man doesn’t understand what kind of woman spends her time at work instead of with her family.

5. A woman accustomed to male attention now has to keep her distance and worry about whether her husband has cheated on someone at work. The man also shouldn’t give a reason for cheating or should hide it better than before.

6. A woman thinks everything will be as it was before, just with a “daddy” she can relax with, but it turns out she is now an equal wife with many restrictions and obligations. And her independence is of no interest to anyone—the man is stronger than her, so she better adjust.

7. A man expects that a woman who brings less money into the family than he does will handle family matters, not focus on her small business for pennies and a false sense of independence from him.

8. A man expects a woman to take care of the children, not manage employees for her mini-ambitions or pleasure.

9. A man is absolutely uninterested in the small amount of money a wife brings into the house, and what for her is the essence of life, in new circumstances, is pointless hustle, which harms the family.

In the end, a successful woman suddenly realizes that:

1. Her achievements and her passion for work are her personal addictions that are of interest to no one but her and that are not a competitive advantage for a man, unless she is ready to give all that up and use it for the good of the family, not just her personal account.

2. The more successful she is, the more effort is required from her to find a man because all her advantages are more like disadvantages for a man than advantages, and finding a partner takes time, energy, money, and many awkward dates and situations where no one is ready to adjust to her.

3. A man stronger than her requires certain things in exchange for his protection; the “carried in arms” role implies that his hands are now the main ones, not the girl on them. Finding a partner stronger than herself means being number two. And it’s unexpected.

4. It is impossible to compete with sex, household services, and money; these are not competitive advantages but, at best, a hygiene factor.

Those who accept the rules of the game and know how to write family assets in their name live in abundance and peace. Those who do not—keep filling themselves with Botox until retirement, telling addicted tales about how great it is to drink coffee in Venice on personally earned money, complaining about traitorous men and weaklings, flinching at the sight of a stroller with a baby, and envying women who have nowhere to rush in the morning. And those who have nowhere to rush yearn for social interaction and want their own business, but only for 2 hours a day, without risks and headaches, just to keep things beautiful.

Author: Alex Zhurba

Image https://pinterest.com/pin/5066618321377303/

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