Startup Roundup

Oct 27, 2023
< 1 minute read

Short summary:

  1. Rater: This anti-catfishing platform combats profile dishonesty, catfishing, and financial scams in online romance.
  2. Luvabuzza: Uses Bluetooth Low Energy to constantly scan for potential matches nearby, offering a new twist to online dating.
  3. Cupiee: The first AI-Blockchain dating app, it ensures user security and introduces a virtual token & NFT marketplace.
  4. Valo: Originating from Finland, this Christian dating app focuses on helping users find life partners rooted in faith.
  5. Boardroom: Tailored for professionals, this app emphasizes compatibility in life beyond mere romantic chemistry.
  6. Wable: Designed specifically for individuals on the autism spectrum, it aids in fostering meaningful connections among its users.

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