PG Dating Pro May 2011- New Version, New Horizons!

Online dating industry is changing and software side is changing, echoing the business demands. New types of communication means like speed dating and social networks crowd the scene. “Online dating” itself is painted black and ineffective by social media. Though still a lot of young people meet online and start dating afterwards. This means online dating itself became faster, more efficient and effective.
Social dating sites became niche oriented and as a result multiplied. Software vendors try to help startups to stand out in a crowd. The new version of PG Dating Pro, which was released this May, took active actions towards it.
New SEO module is now a part of Dating Pro, providing a powerful tool for SEO site optimization. It effects site links, meta tags, descriptions and page titles, site maps, site locations links, languages indexing, improved search results, news indexing, profiles indexing and much more. Though the module is in its Beta version now, it is a necessary setting for a new dating site to be well indexed in search for daters who look online.
PG Dating Pro also embraces a social aspect of dating by providing games module. It’s updated in May version too: now it can be a paid service. So not only administrator can profit with memberships, calls, e-cards, gifts services at a site, but he can also sell game time to users. At the same time, games keep people at a site longer, make them come back. More people online result in more communication and more matches.
Clean code and scalability are also major issues with software. PG Dating solved those issues in a new version. Language files are cleaned, scalability tests are performed and adjustments are made, templates are html validated. That means your dating site, based on Dating Pro community builder platform, works faster, supports more concurrent users, requires less time to add a new language or niche designs.
More important is the news that now you can move your running site to Dating Pro software base together with your user database. Last version already had an ability to import user database with basic information. In May 2011 version you can also import users photos. Even if you are just starting, you can get a bunch of profiles to start with and import them.
PG Dating team also made a lot of minor adjustments to the code to ensure the system works well. Speed dating or Video Date module totally answers users demand to see each other quickly and go for a date if all works fine, re-brandable Mobile module makes your site available on usual phones, smart phones and iphones, even if it’s an offline event, your members can still be online and browse profiles, send messages to each other.
Many successful dating sites today provide both online and offline matchmaking services to cover both sides of dating. They get into social networking, bringing in new ways of spending time online. They charge for memberships or services, sell targeted advertising. It means online dating has ways to go. You have a real opportunity to enter the market with the next big idea. If you have one, you should act fast. Building a dating site from scratch is not an option – it takes a lot of time. Industry is rapid.
SAAS is not for you too – you do not own anything there. You need a ready-made solution you would own together with database and code as it will turn into profitable business. There are a lot of dating software vendors online. Check out PG Dating Pro – 10 years in dating software market, professional and creative team, 6 free niche templates, free lifetime support and installation, constant upgrades, in-house development and customization services. Experience usually speaks by itself and prices are reasonable. Try online demos now to see if PG Dating Pro is right for you!