The LTR online monthly gathering is by-invite-only for leaders who are members of IDEA, in the dating industry. Invites come from Mark Brooks.
LTR stands for Love, Technology, Relationships and is the online mini-conference for leaders of companies that bring people together for loving relationships via technology. You can always see the latest LTR event at
In this edition we will hear from Snehil Khanor CEO of Indian dating app Truly Madly. We will also have a presentation from digital marketing veteran Anthony Volpe on an online dating case study he executed for a major player in the dating industry.
LTR is a fast-paced 90 minutes, all-in. Join us at 1pm EST (New York time) on Wed 8th November. We’ll have 30 mins of networking followed by one hour of presentations and Q&A, and then another networking session. 90 mins in all, plus optional networking afterwards.
LTR is designed to help you get to know other CEOs and leaders of notable online dating companies. This event is small, focused, and by-invite-only. You’ll meet a diverse group that can help you think outside the box, inform your business growth strategy, and inspire you.
The LTR online conference is hosted and attended by the Internet Dating Excellence Association (IDEA). IDEA members are are welcome to join the monthly LTR online conference. Email [email protected] to inquire about joining IDEA, which is entirely free.
At LTR you’ll hear ideas on growth opportunities, challenging issues worthy of collaboration, interesting new technology and inspirational and informative stories to help enhance your understanding and sharpen up your strategy. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with your peers.
LTR is a unique and uplifting and essential event that will help you and your company align with the best of what the dating and social discovery industries will become. LTR will help you evolve and help you connect with and gain perspective.
This LTR is sponsored and supported by:
ParshipMeet Group – One of the leading international Online Dating companies helping people to meet, date, and fall in love
RealMe – Verification + Background checks. Making dating apps & communities more trusted
Along with:
Courtland Brooks – The Internet dating business consultancy-agency – Raise your ARPU by referring qualified users to experienced matchmakers