Dating Pro Digest: Psychological Format Of Dating Changes After Coronavirus; Dating Over Zoom; Do People Have Sex Parties Online And Virtual Sex

Jun 23, 2020
3 minutes to read


Good morning, my friends

Dating industry news digest for today:

  • The psychological format of dating will change after Сoronavirus;
  • Dating over Zoom program;
  • Do people have sex parties online and virtual sex;


The psychological format of dating will change after Сoronavirus

Men, unlike women, spend more time making decisions on online dating.

After the Coronavirus, the partners will become more picky or selective. The partners are trying to avoid contact with each other because they are afraid of getting sick or infecting other people.

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Dating over Zoom program

All senses must be involved in order to determine the compatibility of people.

In this situation, meetings over Zoom cannot help. As human attraction depends not only on our visual cues, but also hearing, smell, sense of touch, and others.

The Conversation says: “…we actively gather details about someone by walking side by side, holding hands, hugging and – if things get far enough – kissing. These experiences send neural impulses between the brain and body, stimulating tiny chemical messengers that affect how we feel.”

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Do people have sex parties online and virtual sex

Many people can stay without physical sex for a long time.

Those people who are single or do not have a permanent relationship are exposed to such a danger in the absence of sex life.

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Main Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

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